[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_column_text disable_pattern=”true” align=”left” margin_bottom=”0″ p_margin_bottom=”20″ width=”1/1″ el_position=”first last”]With the ringing in of the New Year, we have some exciting developments and expansion going on within Esoteric Auto Detail that we’d like to share with our customers.

The growth we have been experiencing over the past couple of years has been rapid to say the least. And to keep up with that level of growth, we need to expand in a variety of ways.

We’re very happy to announce that we are soon to double our space, as we will be taking over the entire 5,900 sq/ft New Albany, OH facility that we have been operating out of for the past 2 years.

With the extra space we are adding, we are building a retail showroom for all of the detailing products and tools that we distribute through our online division (EsotericCarCare.com), and we will be significantly expanding our service offerings as well (more detailed information to be released soon!).

Despite the construction and remodeling, as well as the development of new websites, all services and online business will continue without interruption. The transition to the bigger, better Esoteric will be seamless, and we look forward to hosting an open house or two this spring to introduce everybody to the expansion.

On another note, we’d also like to welcome Bonnie West exclusively to our team. Bonnie has been working on a part-time basis for Esoteric the past two years, and now she is 100% dedicated to us full-time. Her new email address is: Bonnie@EsotericDetail.com.

We wouldn’t be able to make these changes without the continued support of our loyal customers, and we thank each and every one of you for making this possible!

Best regards,
Todd Cooperider, President
Esoteric Auto Detail / EsotericCarCare.com / Esoteric Elite Detailer Academy
9801 Karmar Court
New Albany, OH 43054


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