Handing over your keys during a service visit to your dealer or local mechanic can be unsettling when you care about your vehicles’ paint! In our latest video, Todd Cooperider shares his experience with having a vehicle damaged and offers tips on how you can avoid it! Watch or read below…

Tips to Avoid Paint Damage During Service

Use the following tips when dropping your vehicle off for service so you can avoid paint damage! Remember, most service shops don’t have the proper training when it comes to properly protecting customer vehicles.

Politely Request Your Car Not To Be Touched

Speak with the service adviser or mechanic and request no fender covers be used and not to lean on the paint. Paint is delicate! Explain that even touching it can create marring and scratches.

Do Not Wash

Many dealers have automatic car washes with swirling bristles that can damage your paint, even if your car is coated. Request that the car is not washed and create a “DO NOT WASH” sign for your dashboard. Many customers may like that their car gets washed but make it clear that you do not!

How to Properly Handle Paint

For more information on how delicate paint is and how to prevent damage, watch our video on how to properly get in and out of vehicles…

If you have paint that is swirled and want to create a plan to correct it, please contact us!

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